WEDS-F8 Fingerprint Time clock with access control access control fingerprint timeclock with Mifare one card reader fingerprint timeclock with color camera Professionalappearancedesignwithexcellentwor
WEDS-A6 Double RFID Time Clock machine RFID Time Clock Identification Mode: EM(ID) card Identification Speed: RF card < 0.2s Attendance Speed: 1.2s/person (the fastest speed without ob
WEDS-H6 card time clock with access control Punch card time clock mifare time attendance Professional appearance design with excellent workmanship and easy installation TFT HD screen in 3.5 inc
WEDS-F8 Fingerprint Time clock fingerprint timeclock fingerprint timeclock with color camera Professionalappearancedesignwithexcellentworkmanshipandeasyinstallation ColorLCD,TFTHDs
WEDS-S768 fingerprint Time Attendance with access access control System Professional appearance design with excellent workmanship and easy installation Big TFT HD screen in 8 inch, available to show
WEDS-F6 RFID Time clock with access control RFID timeclock with access control Features Professional appearance design with excellent workmanship and easy installation Color LCD, TFT HD screen
WEDS-H8 GPRS Fingerprint Time attendance fingerprint time attendance Professional appearance design with excellent workmanship and easy installation TFT HD screen in 3.5 inch, available to
WEDS-F6 RFIC Time Record with access control syste RFIC timerecorder with color camera Professional appearance design with excellent workmanship and easy installation Color LCD, TFT HD screen in 3.5 i
WEDS-F9 Fingerprint Time Attendance Terminal with Time Attendance fingerprint time attendance with Mirfare one card reader and color camera IdentificationMode fingerprintorpunchcard Cardreadertype Mi
WEDS-H6 EM GPRS Time Attendance Machine with acces EM time attendance with access control Professionalappearancedesignwithexcellentworkmanshipandeasyinstallation TFTHDscreenin3.5inch,availabletoshowch